
My name is Kerry McClurg and I love swimming, hiking, working out in general, travelling, shopping, baking, and reading. Some of those loves are a bit tricky to perform thanks to my rare nerve disease- hereditary spastic paraparesis. No worries though as I have a super handy cane, hiking poles, and amazing friends that help me along the way!

I hope to share with you a bit about my life, inspire you to live yours to fullest, and hopefully, if needed, motivate you to get whatever assistance will help you to do so!



So What’s on the Blog?

I write about fun things that happen in my day, my workouts, goals, and also reflections on my disability.  Since my disability does not define who I am I see no sense in making my blog all about it, but there are things I would like to share here that I would have enjoyed reading when I was going through the journey of finding a diagnosis to my problem.  For the person who needs to read those words, they are here, but mostly I want what I write to be relatable and enjoyable for anyone.